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Solidifying Concepts 3. Refer to pages 186 to 193 in the text and complete the following chart. Physical changes in the

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:27 am
by answerhappygod
Solidifying Concepts 3 Refer To Pages 186 To 193 In The Text And Complete The Following Chart Physical Changes In The 1
Solidifying Concepts 3 Refer To Pages 186 To 193 In The Text And Complete The Following Chart Physical Changes In The 1 (138.38 KiB) Viewed 65 times
Solidifying Concepts 3. Refer to pages 186 to 193 in the text and complete the following chart. Physical changes in the last days and hours Comfort measures for the dying person Comfort measures for the family Decreased physical 'confont mocigh res promote Reduced intake and difficulty swallowing Rey Boop te ording Delirium or confusion Agitation or restlessness Do not allow the Penson Educate the family strom the and increased to engage Posted in regards to Give interavenous fluids provide additt cat on fluid oncally Promote sleep Provide support and gendance Prouide emotionell Support Prooide around the clock stimulus e Acofd overcrowding Tempore admesum yox around the patients if mue us clogs the airwi qt should be addressed Shaca be reduced immidt liatley. Monitorskin colour , Unresponsiveness Irregular breathing messaging over the nech, Congested breathing Changes in skin colour and temperature Dry eyes Administer eye drops Decreased urinary output Bowel or bladder incontinence tial for Personal Support Workers