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Supine position Musculo-skeletal das Prore position Serti-prone side position Siding position Sims position 24. A reside

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:23 am
by answerhappygod
Supine Position Musculo Skeletal Das Prore Position Serti Prone Side Position Siding Position Sims Position 24 A Reside 1
Supine Position Musculo Skeletal Das Prore Position Serti Prone Side Position Siding Position Sims Position 24 A Reside 1 (74.43 KiB) Viewed 51 times
Supine position Musculo-skeletal das Prore position Serti-prone side position Siding position Sims position 24. A resident who depends on the nursing team for position changes needs to be positioned A. Al least every 2 hours C Every 15 minutes Once an hour D. Once a shift 25. Linens need to be dean, dry, and wrinkle-free to help A Pressure injuries B. Contractures C Breathing problems D. Frequent repositioning prevent 17. When you bend your knees and squat to litzateavy object you are 1. Using good body alignment Using good ergonomics Using your back muscles D. Using good body mechanics 18. Which nursing assistant is using the rules of good body mechanics to move a heavy object? A Nursing Assistant A pushes, slides, or pulls the B Nursing Assistant Breaches upwards to grab the C Nursing Assistant bends forward to lift the cop D. Nursing Assistant D works alone to control the object object skeletal disorders (MSDs)? foods, +26. Persons with beareante in Picatory disorders usually A. Fowler's position B. Semi-Fowler's position C. Supine position D. Prone position 27. Most older persons have limited range of motion in their necks and so do not tolerate the A. Lateral position B. Semi-Fowler's position C. Fowler's position D. Prone position 28. When positioning a person in the supine position, the nurse may ask you to place a pillow under the person's lower legs to A Improve the circulation to feet. B. Assist the person to breathe easier. C Prevent heels from rubbing on sheets. D. Prevent swelling of the legs and feet. 29. A small pillow is positioned against the person's back in the A. Lateral position Supine position B. Prone position D. Semi-Fowler's position 30. When a person cannot keep his or her upper body erect in a chair A. A vest restraint may be used: B. Postural supports help maintain alignment C. A geriatric chair with a tray provides support. D. A belt restraint can be applied. 31. In the chair position, a pillow is not used A. To position paralyzed arms B. To support the feet C. Under the upper arms or hands D. Behind the back if restraints are used 19. Which factor creates the biggest risk for musculo- A Worker does not exercise regularly or eat healthy B Worker is small-framed and lacks upper body strength c Worker uses force or repetitive action when D. Worker has not memorized the rules of good body mechanics 20. If you have pain when standing or rising from a seated position, you A. May have a back injury B. Are using poor body mechanics C. Have worked too many hours D. Should exercise more 21. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), which of these is a factor the can lead to MSDS? A. Resting between repetitive tasks B. Getting help to lift a heavy object C Anticipating sudden movements D. Lifting with forceful movement 22. Which of these activities will help to prevent back injury? A. Reach across the bed to give care. B. Bend at the waist to pick up an object. C Lift an object above your shoulder D. Carry objects close to your body 23. Regular position changes and good alignment A. Can substitute for exercise B. Promote comfort and well-being C. Interrupt rest and sleep D. Limit full range of motion moving objects. Fill in the Blank 32. Write out the abbreviations A MSD B. OSHA 33. What are the four sets of strong, large muscles that are used to lift and move heavy objects? A B. on>