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(Select all that apply.) 4. Which nursing action(s) would be essential when monitoring drug therapy in the geriatric pat

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:22 am
by answerhappygod
Select All That Apply 4 Which Nursing Action S Would Be Essential When Monitoring Drug Therapy In The Geriatric Pat 1
Select All That Apply 4 Which Nursing Action S Would Be Essential When Monitoring Drug Therapy In The Geriatric Pat 1 (49.91 KiB) Viewed 48 times
(Select all that apply.) 4. Which nursing action(s) would be essential when monitoring drug therapy in the geriatric patiena 1. Monitoring renal and liver function 2. Monitoring for drug interactions 3. Completing a thorough drug history, including over-the-counter and alternative therapies 4. Inquiring about the ability to pay for medicali 5. Educating the patient and caregivers about a drugs and potential complications