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17:00 Done 32 of 48 Madeleine Jones is pregnant for the best time. She is 3 year old career who travels frequently for b

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:19 am
by answerhappygod
17 00 Done 32 Of 48 Madeleine Jones Is Pregnant For The Best Time She Is 3 Year Old Career Who Travels Frequently For B 1
17 00 Done 32 Of 48 Madeleine Jones Is Pregnant For The Best Time She Is 3 Year Old Career Who Travels Frequently For B 1 (27.14 KiB) Viewed 58 times
17 00 Done 32 Of 48 Madeleine Jones Is Pregnant For The Best Time She Is 3 Year Old Career Who Travels Frequently For B 2
17 00 Done 32 Of 48 Madeleine Jones Is Pregnant For The Best Time She Is 3 Year Old Career Who Travels Frequently For B 2 (23.87 KiB) Viewed 58 times
17 00 Done 32 Of 48 Madeleine Jones Is Pregnant For The Best Time She Is 3 Year Old Career Who Travels Frequently For B 3
17 00 Done 32 Of 48 Madeleine Jones Is Pregnant For The Best Time She Is 3 Year Old Career Who Travels Frequently For B 3 (23.87 KiB) Viewed 58 times
17:00 Done 32 of 48 Madeleine Jones is pregnant for the best time. She is 3 year old career who travels frequently for business. She is single point by choice She awes at your clinic for her first peonatal hit. You, the nume, colect the following information during your subjecte history questioning Ms. Jones we sperm donor and then donde history for herself or the donor Ma Jones al partners, one of whom the the current pregnancy plans Ms es reports own.conception date that use7 WGA today Ms. Jos reports have received the recommended corn child and denies history of STI Me Jones reports pood nutronomi occasional cos. No one Mosports she is stabieracy and other party and but Ms. Bones imports she is from and been shed at the overwhelming insitut because of here portabato 30 COM $ % !!!
17:00 Done 33 of 48 esponse Teing some muscarboro been surprised at the overwhelming a day fatigue that she has been feeling and wonders if this is just because of her age. She is only able to eat small amounts of bland foods Ms Sones reports being too tired to surchse and reports she canceled a business trip because she was afraid she might get sick on the place Ms Jones reports increased urination frequency. She has been reading on the internet and thinks her symptoms are common but wonders when and if they will resolve Ma Jones reports she has lost 4-5 pounds since becoming pregnant OBJECTIVE DATA B/P 106/62 P 82. RR 14. T98 2F Pris alert and able to give thorough history. He BM-23 Skin appears slightly flushed hair clean, als manicured. Urine sample collected and blood drawn As the nurse, when you evaluate Ma Jones' situation 1. What are her risk factors? Td View formato Para В IVA !!!