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CONCEPTUAL CORNERSTONE: URINARY ELIMINATION AND COMFORT Short Answer Questions A preschool child presents to the public

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:17 am
by answerhappygod
Conceptual Cornerstone Urinary Elimination And Comfort Short Answer Questions A Preschool Child Presents To The Public 1
Conceptual Cornerstone Urinary Elimination And Comfort Short Answer Questions A Preschool Child Presents To The Public 1 (48.37 KiB) Viewed 52 times
CONCEPTUAL CORNERSTONE: URINARY ELIMINATION AND COMFORT Short Answer Questions A preschool child presents to the public health department pediatric clinic for irritability, fevers, lower abdominal pain, poor food and fluid intake, headache, and crying with uri- nation. The mother tells the nurse that the child is now using the bathroom on her own and wiping herself after she urinates and defecates, and no longer requires parental assistance Based on her presenting clinical symptoms, the health care team suspects a urinary tract in fection and decides to conduct a urinalysis with culture. 1. How is a urine specimen taken in a clinical environment 2. What are some tips the nurse can share with the family to push fluids for this young child who may be dehydrated 3. What home care tips can the nurse offer the family to help control the pain and discomfort associ ated with a UTIC