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The Case of ... Too Many Questions, Too Little Time There was no reason to panic, said Mia Varela to herself at the star

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:15 am
by answerhappygod
The Case Of Too Many Questions Too Little Time There Was No Reason To Panic Said Mia Varela To Herself At The Star 1
The Case Of Too Many Questions Too Little Time There Was No Reason To Panic Said Mia Varela To Herself At The Star 1 (82.32 KiB) Viewed 54 times
The Case Of Too Many Questions Too Little Time There Was No Reason To Panic Said Mia Varela To Herself At The Star 2
The Case Of Too Many Questions Too Little Time There Was No Reason To Panic Said Mia Varela To Herself At The Star 2 (36.05 KiB) Viewed 54 times
The Case of ... Too Many Questions, Too Little Time There was no reason to panic, said Mia Varela to herself at the start of the test. The exam, a midterm in her Greek civilization class, contained 50 multiple-choice questions (each worth 1 point) and two short-answer essays (worth a total of 50 points). And she had 75 minutes to complete the test. "Let's see," she said to herself. “At one and a half minutes per multiple- choice question, that would take 75 minutes. Hmm... that's no good. How about a minute for each one? Fifty minutes for the multiple-choice questions, leaving 25 minutes for the essays. That ought to work. I'll get the multiple-choice questions out of the way first." But things didn't work out the way she had planned. After an hour she had completed only 40 of the multiple-choice questions and hadn't even started on the essay questions. With only 15 minutes left, panic began to set in. She had trouble thinking. She began to be certain that she'd fail the test. She thought about how she hadn't studied enough. If only she'd worked harder. How could she explain this failure to her friends ... to her parents ... to herself? The thoughts kept coming, and time kept ticking away.
1. Is there evidence that Mia didn't study effectively for this type of test? 2. What was right about Mia's initial approach to the test? 3. What should Mia have done differently in calculating the amount of time to devote to each portion of the test? Why? 4. What should Mia have done to be aware of, and address, her timing problem sooner? 5. How should Mia have dealt with her panic? Were her thoughts productive or counterproductive? Why? 6. If you were in Mia's shoes, what would you do with only 15 minutes left in the test?