A tertiary institution has a student population of 3000 and 1/3 of them live off campus. The daily hot water consumption

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A tertiary institution has a student population of 3000 and 1/3 of them live off campus. The daily hot water consumption

Post by answerhappygod »

A tertiary institution has a student population of 3000 and 1/3of them live off campus. The daily hot water consumption of theoff-campus students is 1/5 of the on-campus (i.e. live-in)students, The Executive Management of the institution plans toreplace the hot water gas-fired boiler with solar water heatingsystem to meet the hot water needs of all students. A further 15%of the system is to be reserved for the wardens and othercontingency requirements. The hot-water temperature required is50C, while the annual average temperature of cold water is 25 C.Assuming that an average live-in student needs 60 liters of hotwater for all activities per day, calculate the required totalsurface area of the solar panel if there is a commercial solarpanel which can offer a heat supply of 1500 kcal/m in a day. Assumethe absence of any auxiliary heating device and the average localwind speed is [20 Marks] 1.5 m/s. Note: specific heat Cp of wateris assumed to be 1 kcal/kgC, water density is 1 kg / 1)
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