View the Exhibit and examine a portion of the output obtained from the following query:SQL> SELECT * FROM v$sys_time_mod

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View the Exhibit and examine a portion of the output obtained from the following query:SQL> SELECT * FROM v$sys_time_mod

Post by answerhappygod »

View the Exhibit and examine a portion of the output obtained from the following query:SQL> SELECT * FROM v$sys_time_model;Select three correct interpretations of the time model statistics. (Choose three.)
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A. DB time includes the wait time of all the nonidle and idle user sessions.
B. SQL execute elapsed time includes the time spent in performing fetches of query results.
C. DB CPU includes the CPU time spent on database user-level calls and background CPU time.
D. SQL execute elapsed time includes components of the hard parse elapsed time like bind elapsed time. E. DB time includes the connection management call elapsed time excluding the background process time.
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