The Omni Health Plan is interested in expanding the specialty services it offers to its plan members and is considering

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The Omni Health Plan is interested in expanding the specialty services it offers to its plan members and is considering

Post by answerhappygod »

The Omni Health Plan is interested in expanding the specialty services it offers to its plan members and is considering contracting with the following providers of specialty services:
The Apex Company, a managed vision care organization (MVCO)
The Baxter Managed Behavioral Healthcare Organization (MBHO)
The Cheshire Dental Health Maintenance Organization (DHMO)
As part of its credentialing process, Omni would like to verify that each of these providers has met NCQA's accreditation standards. However, with regard to these three specialty service providers, an NCQA accreditation program currently exists for:

A. Apex and Baxter only
B. Apex and Cheshire only
C. Baxter and Cheshire only
D. Baxter only
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