Open panel health plans can contract with individual providers or with various provider groups when developing their net

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Open panel health plans can contract with individual providers or with various provider groups when developing their net

Post by answerhappygod »

Open panel health plans can contract with individual providers or with various provider groups when developing their networks. The following statements are about factors that an open panel health plan might consider in contracting with different types of provider organizations. Select the answer choice that contains the correct statement.

A. One limitation of contracting with multispecialty groups is that a health plan obtains only specialty consultants, but not PCPs.
B. One benefit to a health plan in contracting with an integrated delivery system (IDS) is the ability to have a network in rapid order and to enter into a new market or one that is already competitive.
C. A health plan that contracts with an individual practice association (IPA) has a greater ability to select and deselect individual physicians than when contracting directly with the providers.
D. A health plan that contracts with an IDS is able to eliminate the antitrust risk that exists when contracting with an IPA.
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