Salvatore Arris is a member of the Crescent Health Plan, which provides its members with a full range of medical service

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Salvatore Arris is a member of the Crescent Health Plan, which provides its members with a full range of medical service

Post by answerhappygod »

Salvatore Arris is a member of the Crescent Health Plan, which provides its members with a full range of medical services through its provider network. After suffering from debilitating headaches for several days, Mr. Arris made an appointment to see Neal Prater, a physician's assistant in the Crescent network who provides primary care under the supervision of physician Dr. Anne Hunt. Mr. Prater referred Mr. Arris to Dr. Ginger Chen, an ophthalmologist, who determined that Mr. Arris' symptoms were indicative of migraine headaches. Dr. Chen prescribed medicine for Mr. Arris, and Mr. Arris had the prescription filled at a pharmacy with which Crescent has contracted. The pharmacist, Steven Tucker, advised Mr. Arris to take the medicine with food or milk.
In this situation, the person who functioned as an ancillary service provider is:

A. Mr. Prater
B. Dr. Hunt
C. Dr. Chen
D. Mr. Tucker
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