Company A would like to share data in Snowflake with Company B. Company B is not on the same cloud platform as Company A

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Company A would like to share data in Snowflake with Company B. Company B is not on the same cloud platform as Company A

Post by answerhappygod »

Company A would like to share data in Snowflake with Company B. Company B is not on the same cloud platform as Company A.
What is required to allow data sharing between these two companies?

A. Create a pipeline to write shared data to a cloud storage location in the target cloud provider.
B. Ensure that all views are persisted, as views cannot be shared across cloud platforms.
C. Setup data replication to the region and cloud platform where the consumer resides.
D. Company A and Company B must agree to use a single cloud platform: Data sharing is only possible if the companies share the same cloud provider.
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