An organization is using Scrum to build five new products. What would be the best two options for the number of Product

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An organization is using Scrum to build five new products. What would be the best two options for the number of Product

Post by answerhappygod »

An organization is using Scrum to build five new products.
What would be the best two options for the number of Product Owners the organization should have? (Choose two.)

A. There is one Product Owner for each product (so five in total). Each Product Owner may delegate, share and align work within their individual Product Backlog.
B. Enough Product Owners to delegate as much work needed to maximize utilization of all Development Team members.
C. There is one Product Owner responsible for all five products. This person is not allowed to delegate any of the Product Owner responsibilities as he/she is accountable for the success of each product.
D. There is one Product Owner responsible for all five products. In order to scale his/her role, he/she can delegate some of the individual Product Owner responsibilities to others within each product but would still remain accountable for the value of the work produced.
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